Bank Security
Bank Security Service
The requirements of bank security services can vary widely from one financial institution to another. Services provided depend on the type of building (high rise, local branch, operation center) and the requirements of the organization.
L.E.I. Security recognizes that our needs are unique, and we will design bank security services tailored to your individual needs. We work closely with you to develop bank security services.
In a traditional branch, L.E.I. Security bank security officers will typically perform a number of duties including but not limited to:
General Security
•Maintain high visibility to deter crime
•Make periodic interior and exterior patrols
•Monitor ATM activity
•Escort high value movements
•Observe and report suspicious activity
•Support Bank Staff
•Direct customers to appropriate desk or teller window
•Assist staff with opening and closing procedures
•Escort bank employees to their vehicles
Professional Image
•Establish a professional relationship with local law enforcement personnel
•Establish communication with law enforcement following emergency situations
•Prepare professionally written incident reports following emergency situations of unusual circumstances (robberies, attempted robberies, medical emergencies)
•Provide public relations
In addition to the above bank security services, officers in operations/service centers and high rise financial institutions will perform the following functions:
Control Access
•Enforce ID procedures ( badges, access cards, etc.)
•Maintain sign-in logs and issues temporary badges for visitors and vendors
•Maintain access lists and update as needed
•Institute property pass procedures where appropriate
Partner with Building Management
•Ensure that all building rules and regulations are followed
•Notify proper management personnel of any safety or security issues
•Monitor CCTV equipment, fire panels, and alarms; respond to alarms
•Establish emergency procedures
•Maintain up-to-date operational orders
•Attend regular security meetings